Cambridge Buff - Crick Rd Oxford 1.jpg




Very professional and quick to respond to any requests we may have.
— David Parker , David Parker Architects, Watlington, Oxfordshire


  M: 07816313567   T: 01865 890 221  E:



David Parker, David Parker Architects, Watlington, Oxfordshire

Having dealt with Ken Lee over the last five years

on a number of projects and I have found him to be

very professional and quick to respond to any requests We may have

and would not have any hesitation in putting

him in contact with a client to discus bricks for their project


Laurie Dobie, Building Designer, Marlborough, Wiltshire

I came across Ken Lee in 2004, I have found him to be professional

and knowledgeable in his dealing with bricks. And have put him in contact

with a number of clients to my satisfaction


Garry Cox, Zone Developments, Wokingham, Berkshire

I have been in contact with Ken Lee for the last twelve years and dealt with him on a large

number of projects. Ranging from large extensions, 6 bed houses and developments with

apartments and I found him very useful in putting together a package of bricks at affordable

prices I would not hesitate in contacting Ken as he has a large knowledge about the brick

industry in the UK.


Mike Sharp, NCR Builders, Wallingford, Oxfordshire

I have dealt With Ken for the last 15 years and whenever I require bricks & tiles I contact him

and with 30 years of experience in the bricks I have never been let down

when we pick up a new contract one of the first things I do is ring KL Brick.

It goes without saying that I would not hesitate in asking Ken to do a brick match

on my behalf .


Mrs J S ,self build,  Wantage

Having decided to build my own home I started looking for materials! the first one being bricks

I very quickly realised that there is a large number of brick to choose from in the UK. But

luckily a friend of mine had just finished her own house in Wiltshire. She gave me the name of

the brick I then contacted the brick company and in no time Ken Lee contacted me and made

an appointment to visit me on site with samples and to discuss the special shape bricks and

most importantly the price over the period of time I found Ken to be extremely helpful and

would not hesitate in giving Kens details

If asked for them.


Mrs S B H,  self build, Wiltshire

My local builders merchants gave me KL Bricks phone number and in no time I was in contact with Ken Lee after discussing bricks & tiles with Ken he came up with number of houses to view in my area so I could get a better idea on how the bricks would look on a finished project

I found the process of choosing bricks & tiles made a lot easier with Kens help

And would gladly Give K L Bricks detail if asked


T:  01865 890 221

M: 07816313567



Customer services

K L Brick & Building Services Ltd

Warren House

Newington Road



OX44 7US